Exploring the Station
January 2nd, 2022 During the winter vacation period, I had planned to do some exploration of the local area. So, although I was already planning an excursion for the second of January, I was further pressed to go out so that I could acquire a new frying pan. Though the "iron" wok I had purchased from the chain department store Don Quihote (Donki) seemed nice initially, the non-stick coating was already beginning to come off, so I needed a new pan right away. I had been told that the best places to get cookware were in and around the train station, so I set off on the 25 minute walk in that direction. It was overcast with light snow, and just above 0ºC, so the walk was quite pleasant. On the way I passed by a small shop which appeared to sell imported foods from China. I made a note to check it another day when it was open. When I got to the station, I went around inside it exploring for a while. There were countless small shops selling all manner of foods and items, and it was quite busy. After wandering around for some time, I still hadn't found the store I was looking for. I left the building and walked around, trying to find it, though I couldn't see any signs on the outside and it was shown as being part of the station building. When I went back in the station for a second attempt, I found that it was actually on the basement level, right where I had come out from the first time! I browsed the store but found very few cooking implements, all of which also appeared to be medium-low quality. I exited the building and proceeded to the second shop that had been recommended to me. It was also a general-goods store, however, it seemed to have somewhat higher-quality products. I found one nice pan with a lid, but while looking at it, the lid fell off and landed on the floor. There was no damage, and I was planning to buy it anyways, but I was relieved that nothing worse had happened; I feared being cast as an idiot foreigner recklessly damaging merchandise. Having acquired my new frying pan I set off back home, taking a different route so that I could pass by the location of a café I'd been planning to visit. I also encountered a fruit store, which I added to my list of shops to check out later. The somewhat less-busy street was refreshing compared to the main thoroughfare I had walked beside on the way to the station. I decided I'd definitely walk that way next time. |